Dear Supporter,
It is with great sadness that we write to inform you that our good friend and ‘artist-in-residence’, Eugene Fisk, died early this morning following a fall on Wednesday. His gentleness, perceptive insights and strong humanitarian principles endeared him to many and he will be very much missed by all who knew him. Eugene was a founder member of Hay, Brecon and Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees and attended nearly all of our ‘Awaydays’. Given his severe deafness, his way of relating to our guests (with their consent, of course}, was to sit and draw them; communicating with few words but recognising the value and experience inherent in each person. Some of these people in response, even drew their own portrait of Eugene.
Eugene’s original intention was to discover and show the humanity, the person behind the title of Asylum seeker. Some of these drawings with Eugene’s own text have been compiled into a book, ‘Only Connect’. Thankfully, Eugene was able to oversee the drafting process including precise details upon colour and words and know that his work was being valued before his untimely death. It is planned that the book will be launched in Hay over the Easter period and it is a tribute both to some amazing, brave and inspiring people as well as to a perceptive, enquiring gentle man who wanted to understand and in his own way offer help. It has been a privilege to know Eugene. May he Rest in Peace.
Best wishes
Margaret And Ailsa
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